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招标模式 Crypto Index Fund Simulator — Simulate investments in a wide range of crypto themes
  • 雇主:mike
  • 截止时间:2022-05-04
  • 分类:程序开发

免责声明 该外包需求信息来源于站外平台,本站仅提供公开信息部分字段展示与订阅服务,更多请查看免责声明。


“ In the context of personal finance, crypto should likely play some part in your investment strategy, if only to help give you some potential upside long term as well as diversify your overall investments. What does it look like, practically, to hold crypto? There are 10's of thousands of currencies, all of which can and do change drastically. Just like you should diversify your overall investments, you should likely diversify your crypto holdings as well. But...how? We've just released a new free Crypto Index Fund simulator to help guide you! The simulator lets you compare different themes (Blue Chip, DeFi, Alt and NFT) to figure out what is best for you! Just use the pre-made funds as a starting point and then customize the allocation to see how they've performed in the past. 🎉 ” – Josh Pigford Discussion | Link

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yinke   |   好评率:100%    

报价金额: ¥5500.00

提交于2020-04-29 10:47:16


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  • 发布需求     2022.05.04
  • 服务商报价     2020.04.29
  • 选择服务商并托管资金     2020.04.29
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